DO NOT use Olaplex or OGX.
Use salon professional products (excluding Olaplex or OGX). We recommend our own Hair Dolls Products, Remi Cachet or Hair Kings products. Vegan hair extensions products will always be best to use to put goodness into your hair. Any bond building shampoos or hair repair products should be avoided. They are too strong, will overpower the hair and the hair will knot. Vegan products only!!
Always oil your extensions when wet and again when dry. They receive no natural oils. We recommend 2-3 pumps from root to ends when wet and 1-2 pumps when dry. This will prevent your hair from going frizzy.
Do not tip your hair over the bath to wash as it will obviously matt all of your hair system and cause long lasting damage. This will causethe system to look like a bitds nest, cause severe matting and will increase the likelihood of the individual jand tied hair strand knots coming loose
Dry your hair using a decent hair dryer and decent hair brush! Ensure your brushes are not damaged and the hairdryer is not old and smells of burning! Preferably, please use our recommended brushes and the mermade hairdryer
Keep your heat down on your straighteners! We recommend 60 to 100 degrees! At that temperature they will still burn your hand off and your hair but it is a much safer temperature than cooking your hair at 180 degrees!!! Curlers are not as damaging as they touch the hair on one side whereas straighteners are double sided! Burning your hair off loses length!
Brush your hair extensions at least 3-5 times a day using a hair extension brush. Start from the ends and work your way up towards the root.
Put a treatment on your hair 1-2 times a week. We sell the perfect treatment and I can guarantee you will not find better!
If you find your hair feels dry, use a dry oil shine spray 1-2 times a day to restore the condition.
Try use material bobbles.
Plait or pigtail your hair on a night. A silk/satin pillowcase is recommended but not mandatory.
Be gentle! Each hair is HAND tied meaning if you are rough with it - it will go bald. Section each row individually to brush it - every single day.
Do not dye your hair system! Of course it can be dyed but depending on the hairdressers level of expertise you are at risk of it loosing hair as hair dye will seep into the knot, causing the individual hand tied knots to loosen and the hairs will fall out leaving only the net showing .
Re-part your hair gently every day or every few days depending upon how much you move in your sleep to prevent it from looking wiggy! Reparting the hair makes sure you have a nice fresh clean straight flat parting and prevents the hairs at the top of the closure from looking volumous.
Do not back comb your closure. If your system is matting at the crown (back of the head) - this is a brushing issue. You are not brushing your system correctly. A comb is now needed to remove the matt. Your hair technician will happily remove this for you to prevent damage.
100% real human hair system.
Avoids the need for multiple systems or wigs.
Hand sewn to your natural hair so it cannot come off.
A hair system is life changing! It boosts your confidence allowing you to have the hair you have always dreamed of!
Systems do not hinder hair growth.
Maintenance required every 3-4 weeks. Some people get 6 weeks or more but we advise 3-4 weeks.
Discounted 2-3 week refit service offered for ladies in the first stage of hair growth who like to keep their system tight!
Emergency help call can be booked through the online "Get Timely" booking system located here: Online Bookings
You can swim in your system. It is best to wear your hair high and use a bobble and a grabber clip to swim if your hair is not getting wet. Please use a loose fitting swim cap if you plan to get your hair wet. These can be found by searching "Long hair swimming cap."
Your first system can take some getting used to. We therefore allow you to book in a "New Fitting Tweaking Service” within the first two weeks of wear to ensure you are doing everything correctly and we can have a chat about any worries!
Bespoke for your hair! Any amendments to make the system a more perfect fit can be achieved immediately at your free tweaking service appointment or at any other time!
Suppliers advise that you will need 2-4 replacement partings a year dependant upon aftercare. You will see people in our salon whos systems are lasting 2 years or more! This is because they are following the correct aftercare steps above.
It may be that some people will need a new closure after a holiday/extreme sports activity if they have ruined it swimming, going in the sea or done sport activities. This is only the same thing that you would find if you have hair extensions.
A system cannot be worn scraped back/gelled back or in a slick back style as there is a join to hide at the front of the system. The only way this style can be achieved is if the system is glued to the forehead then styled in place. Example below of the join on a system that has just been fit ... before it is styled:
4. Nobody on this earth can hide the closure join at the front of a system or prevent it from showing without performing minimal styling! Your technician will style it properly in the salon then hiding this join is up to the client to manage! It is so so easy to hide and if you are going to have a problem with doing minimal styling then DO NOT GET A SYSTEM! Every time you wash your hair or go on a rollercoaster/ speedboat/ convertible/ high speed activity you will need to brush the front back into place. You can always consider cutting in a fringe to eliminate this problem. There will always be a join on any kind of hair system. Here are examples on how you can have your system cut:
5. The closure will grow out! As it grows out the attachment method underneath will start to show. If you style the system it will not show but if you pull it back to look you will see the system starting to grow out. This can 100% be prevented from showing by booking in and attending the discounted 2-3 weekly discounted service appointment available on the Get Timely booking system. Some ladies dont mind the re-growth ... I know i dont and I leave mine 6 weeks but i do have a fringe.
6. If your closure loses hair and is showing the net this is YOUR FAULT because it is your AFTERCARE! It is not a manufacturing fault! Each hair is hand tied the same as a wig and you have been too aggressive. If your closure is faulty you would know within the first week!
7. The system does require aftercare as listed above